today i resumed university
the morning was quite like a usual monday morning for me; i take much time to adapt myself with the surrounding environment filled with people and moreover those in the class who always cackle and giggle so loud every morning until the lecturer arrives.
today as usual the university was somehow not ready; my friend Ron told me that our time-table is only settled for monday and tuesday...
we had to move to another class found in the faculty of agriculture building. this is a weird fact for the faculty of social studies and humanities to which i belong and which has the most students (if i'm not mistaken) actually doesn't have a problem lecture hall! we students are constant wanderers. the hallways of this building always bare this lack of light and this is everything but encouraging to start a three hours lecture at 8 am!
the day went on pretty cool though as we actually discussed individually about our junior thesis (i'm writing a paper on Mauritian blogs...i should be devoting myself totally to this) and that's it...
today i resumed weight-lifting... needless to say how hard it was after all the junk food i've been having during the summer break and all the incredible amount of coke i've been having daily! usually there are some pretty annoying guys there who think they are the best just because they load their bars with a lot of weight but actually do the wrong movement!! so today, none of them, no damn weird noises like someone's having butt-sex... but i was sweating a lot and now feel the pain in my muscles... i also played basketball; it reminded me of my middle-school days!
been to the other lecture i had and was yet another light one and that was so cool!
shopping and then back at Quatre-Bornes!
had some sandwiches while doing some household work..had milk-spaghetti as diner and now enjoying a nice tea with some music playing!
Cool thing i am just trying; open Kid A album from Radiohead with 17 seconds interval on two different programs it make a question-answer effect!!! really amazingly cool! which shows that these guys are pure geniuses! (PS; thanks Ron)
i guess that tomorrow i should be devoting as far as possible the whole day for studying a bit, doing some reading and working on this junior thesis thingy...
Dies ist Elie, mein Freund aus univerisität... ich mag ihn heißen BROWN
BEAR. Ich fragte ihn heute für die ein Bild für den Blog, aber er verweigert ... So i gestohlen das! Immer ich Spaß zu haben nettes Gespräch mit ihm und bewundere ihn für seine leichte unconformism! Gibt! Du bist auf meinem Blog! Und ich schrieb es in Deutsch, so dass du sie nicht verstehst!

A thesis on Mauritian Blogs? That is an absolutely interesting subject. If ever you need some help on this or any information feel free to contact the MBB (Mauritian Blog Brethren). It would be a pleasure to help you out.
hey Kat
actually i think i could use some help at this phase of the project.
if i could write you more details via email would be perfect.
please write to me on
looking forward
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