" I'm so lonely, but that's okay, I shaved my head ...
And I'm not sad
And just maybe I'm to blame for all I've heard ...
But I'm not sure
I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet you there ...
But I don't care"
Tomorrow i'll shave my head
Sunday, December 30, 2007
hair style
Posted by genetik.master at 8:53:00 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 24, 2007
Active, sporty, acrobat
talkative and really emotive
playful (thanks Alyssa), hunter
Brat, likes to get attention and she can't get enough
Posted by genetik.master at 9:51:00 AM 0 comments
a really beautiful cat
nice smooth long hairs
pretty affective and kind from time to time
goes mad about dairy products
whines hard when hungry
has huge eyes
Dumb from time to time...
but so lovely
Posted by genetik.master at 9:41:00 AM 1 comments
Incredible Week-end; day 4
This sunday i helped in the charity fair in Flacq that i mentionned
the Haunted House worked really well, it was actually the best attraction. We had a lot of fun scaring people's ass out! To the point that some of us lost their voice. Some victims cried, some had to back out because their heart couldn't take it, some were so afraid that they were shaking like leaves and couldn't say anything, some wouldn't walk, some would hide behind their wife!
I was the one guiding them inside and it was extreme fun to scare them off!
It reminded me of the nice time we used to have when we did the Haunted Room in high-school.
Sunday evening, Alyssa and Laval came back from their trip to South-Africa and Botswana fully resplendent, fresh and smiling!
We had diner at the Lebanese place (yes, for me it was the third day in a row that i eat there). Then back home, I was just amazed but the pictures they showed me!
Team Awesome has something new, something which connects them. Each of us now have a bracelet, made of elephant tail (picture). Hence we are connected till death.
None of us will ever take it out, even for shower, or for sleep.. ( o.O )
Today is Christmas eve; although i don't believe in it, i shall somehow at least get my parents a card.
Posted by genetik.master at 9:22:00 AM 0 comments
Incredible Week-end; day 3
Flacq; 11am
as i promised Ronnie that I would be helping him to set up the Haunted House in a Charity Fair, we set pretty early to this village in the eastern part of Mauritius, despite of the sunburn that i had to face after the Ile Aux Cerfs trip.
Actually Flacq is one of those weird places in Mauritius. Yet much more busy and full of activity compared to some other towns in Mauritius (i here refer to places like Vacoas and even Beau-Bassin, my hometown)
we reached the state secondary school where we had to set the room
it was quite small though and it seems to me that the organizers lacked some coordination and experience.
at about two, i went to the supermarket to grab something to eat. It was a nice feeling to be walking in some place i don't know at all, the people looked different. it seemed like it's been only one or two generation since they came from India. There was two or three shopping malls, a lot of shops on the streets, and a striking amount of hawkers. I saw a lot of taxi working on a 'taxi-brousse' (shared-taxi) system. i guess it's also that crowded due to the Christmas shopping frenesia which seems to have reached the whole of the mauritian population, regardless of community and religion. The buses which are most of the time private operators are never in hurry to start and drive pretty slowly to try to catch each and every passengers and when the bus reaches a road where there'll be no one waiting, it seems like the driver has to catch the last train for survival, like never slowing down before humps, barely downshifting before curves. the only town linked to Flacq via bus are Rose-Hill and Curepipe i guess; the other bus lines connect to some other villages in the surroundings, so do the shared-taxis. Flacq is that place which wants to somehow give the image of a developing region; many shopping centers, brands shop, computerized lockers in supermarket, crowded streets but still conserving this rural spirit, this human closeness. Flacq is also this place where everyone looks into your bag after you've been shopping and particularly when they notice you've got some beers in your bag give you that eerie who-are-you-stare.
The day was somehow tiring for we did much for the preparation but i really enjoyed it for it got me to have a nice time with two of my best-friends from high-school. I gotta say we had much fun making fun of everyone and everything; just like we used to do in high-school where we never went to class. Memories.
We had to cab bringing us home. I had a cool nice evening; shower, then i walked into the town centre for it's somehow lively these days. even the supermarket is opened till 22:00
i had diner again at the Lebanese restaurant. then some drinks while watching still TV shows.
Posted by genetik.master at 8:36:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Flacq, Ile Aux Cerfs, Ronnie, Volunteering
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Incredible Week-end; day 2
my friend Andreas invited me for this trip to Ile aux Cerfs
this was the first time for me that i visit an outer island
this was kind of an exciting experience for me
we started early; 7:30 after a nice quick break-fast we had to meet the transfer vehicle in a front of a restaurant in flic-en-flacwe waited for long because not only were we ahead of schedule but the minibus was late
after pretty much of a long trip which nearly worn me out (didn't have much sleep the previous night)we reached the beach of Trou-d'Eau-Douce (picture) which i still can recall since we passed there during the 100Km bike race with TEAM AWESOME.
It is a really nice beach... typical view.. with many boats. It is a central place for departures to the island. After the nice young lady briefed us about the trip we set up to the speed boat who would be taking us to the island. Again that'd be a first experience for me
The speedboat was nice...we had a 200HP Suzuki motor so as you can see the trail on the picture it was really amazing!
We finally arrived on the island... and what do I see? thisA beach full of tourists, applying sunscreen, sunbathing, swimming in some specially reserved area with protection, restaurants, waiters, massages...
moreover most of them were old.. and enjoying this crap...
we were both somehow stunned about what we saw.
and there's a huge golf track
so that's Ile aux Cerfs?
we moved to some other place, as far as possible as this junk of consumerism and superiority tourism. we laid down under some filao trees and had a swim... the water was ok... but there was a lot of dead seagrass because of the incredible amount of speedboat traffic there and as the water is not deep enough and also the skipper who don't seem to give a damn, the underwater life is pretty much damaged. But the government needs to feed itself upon these tourists... so; to hell the environment.
after some swim i tried to see what does this island have to give me... there was nothing much to see while snorkelling... sometimes i would be lucky to some algae and some fished, star fish, and other thingies...
but there was the hell of a lot of sea urchins... sometimes so huge and so purple...
after that and some well deserved rest, we proceeded to see a waterfall which was at the other end of the island...
again so touristic...boat goes there, at the mouth of Grand River South East... see the waterfall, take pictures, sometimes videos, try touching the water... then our boat leaves... and then comes another one... and there are three more others waiting!
then again the boat took us to another point of the island where we were to have a BBQ lunch..
on arriving there.. it was the sum of all touristic sight-seeing... Sega dancing...
sega is the so-called local folklore here... almost everywhere they wanna sell some kinda image of Mauritius, there are sega dancers...
so we both sat at this table with the Reunion family who were talking shit about us.. but who didn't know that i speak and study French as major... they were always passing comments about what we would be doing... and they were just horror-struck when they realized that i speak french...
anyways back to the sega thing... the musicians could have been worst and they were really great to the point that they tossed a Redemption Song from Bob Marley just for me!!
again the tourists went taking pictures again with the sega dancers and the island around.
we took the boat back to Trou-d'Eau-Douce and set back home.
Bottom-line; cool nice experience with Andreas but way too touristic... they made a mess out of the nice long sandy beautiful beaches of this island.
In the evening i had diner with Phil, Nina and Laryssa. We intended to go to this nice restaurant in Quatre-Bornes but they were full. We had no other choice than to hit the nearby café, the food was OK but such in a small quantity. Then we picked up Tania and hit some pubs. First we went to Le Suffren, this hotel in the Port-Louis harbour, pretty posh, with expensive and crappy cocktails. We didn't stay long there because the atmosphere was somehow boring and Laryssa was yawning a lot. Then we took this water-taxi that took us to the Caudan Waterfront, there was this sports pub which was kind of OK, with of course better cocktails, a bit less than Le Suffren.
We met some crew from LTU, had some nice drinks and chat before finally hitting the road to home by 3 am. Unfortunately no pictures of this evening.
Posted by genetik.master at 9:50:00 PM 1 comments
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Incredible Week-end; day 1
the week-end started well
See this mountain? we nailed it!!!
with Andreas we started to Le Pouce; this mountain which is not that far from the university
we had the intention to have a hiking trip but it was always postponned for unlike me Andreas steady in his studies. we met in Quatre-Bornes and after a stop-over at university for breakfast and some administrative stuffwe then set of to the mountain after all in all 3 buses. we reached a marvellous rural place which was kinda funny because the dispositions of the houses were not only weird but you could also see an old corrugated iron sheet next to a new large house (N.B. large doesn't mean beautiful though). If i'm not mistaken this place is called Petit Verger. Beautiful rustic place were there was a lot of old indian women cultivating the land and carrying bags of their harvest on the head
Climbing was not that hard... it seemed like a long ascending walk for there was a pathway that hikers usually take(on this picture; Andreas on the way to conquer Le Pouce). i gotta say that it a a famous hike track. we met some people up there; two french women, a mauritian guy, his french woman and their two kids...
these latter mentionned that they come from Port-Louis
the scenery was nothing but awesome and the fauna & flora was stuning..weird plants and animals and sometimes plants like animals. Although the weather was not that great i have to mention that it was a nice trip because there was a tropical depression nearing the island. the summit was all so cloudy and it was raining most of the time! but i gotta admit that from time to time mother nature was kind enough to allow us to see the beautilful landscape
we also saw some pretty funny things like a small altar to hail Virgin Mary on the middle on the mountain and nearly at the top was an indian flag with this 3-looking symbol. we made our way to the summit where it was really cold and slippery... on this part the climbing was really hard but we didn't see anything because we were all up in the clouds ... we barely saw 5 metres ahead of us...we didn't stay long high there.
we made the way down through Port-Louis... it was much more of a pain in the ass... the land was much more slippery and we nearly fell down various times... and it was so long and boring... just the same view... it seemed like we were not progressing... i even broke my shoes and had to throw them away... fortunately Andreas has slippers
finally there was a different pathway that we say... it was all dry...
we had several stop there.. and finally hit the city near the Champs de Mars horse track
i felt like walking in port-louis was kinda different this day...
there was somekind of magic in the air i guess... i saw all the beauty of it... maybe it was because i've seen it from high up and then soaking into it was a nice feeling... we started with the suburb where you could feel this warm human feeling of kids playing on streets, old shops (see picture)
Then getting into city centre...
Company gardens... sitting of the bench which was the crossroad of my life (where Chinyere and Christin met)
great moments...
back in Quatre-Bornes to pick up some stuff
i went to Flic en Flac
soaked in the sea... prepared and ate dinner
hit some beers with my dear friend... we also had nice chat
Es war eine phantastische Tour und noch einmal vielen Dank an meinen Freund Andreas, der mir ein unvergessliches Erlebnis ermöglicht hat!
Posted by genetik.master at 3:06:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Andreas, Flic-en-Flac, Hiking, Le Pouce, Port-Louis