Monday, December 24, 2007

Incredible Week-end; day 4


This sunday i helped in the charity fair in Flacq that i mentionned

the Haunted House worked really well, it was actually the best attraction. We had a lot of fun scaring people's ass out! To the point that some of us lost their voice. Some victims cried, some had to back out because their heart couldn't take it, some were so afraid that they were shaking like leaves and couldn't say anything, some wouldn't walk, some would hide behind their wife!
I was the one guiding them inside and it was extreme fun to scare them off!
It reminded me of the nice time we used to have when we did the Haunted Room in high-school.

Sunday evening, Alyssa and Laval came back from their trip to South-Africa and Botswana fully resplendent, fresh and smiling!
We had diner at the Lebanese place (yes, for me it was the third day in a row that i eat there). Then back home, I was just amazed but the pictures they showed me!
Team Awesome has something new, something which connects them. Each of us now have a bracelet, made of elephant tail (picture). Hence we are connected till death.
None of us will ever take it out, even for shower, or for sleep.. ( o.O )
Today is Christmas eve; although i don't believe in it, i shall somehow at least get my parents a card.