Friday, January 11, 2008

new blog name

i haven´t been posting for a while
a lot have been going through in here
but i don´t wanna mention it now and will try to post something which will in a sense resume my summer break
just a few info though
-as promised i shaved my head
-i am doing something these days which totally goes against my nature
-Radiohead is awesome; it feels so good to listen to OK COMPUTER after so long and still be amazed by the magic of this album

it was pretty much of a while since i was thinking of changing the name of the Blog
I was wondering whether i´m this nerd i used to think i was
then i thought about ,,Legal Alien´´
which not only sounds cool but also portraits the way i feel in here
i also would like to post more pictures and impressions about mauritius
but for a start i should be posting much more often

the verses from the great poet Khal resumes how i feel about living in Mauritius
"parceque je suis créole de mon cordage,
indien de mon mat,
européen de la vergue,
je suis mauricien de ma quete et francais de mon exil.
Je ne serai toujours ailleurs qu´en moi-meme
parceque je ne peux qu´imaginer ma terre natale"


Charlotte Rose said...

Thanks for your comment on my blog and the link up. Hope you have a good year.